This is very well written. The introduction through to reduction to practice includes many quotes from people most of us are well aware of. They’re as sneaky and underhand as we’d heard they were.

An absolutely key distinction is that between the ostensible reason for a policy & the real reason. We’ve seen a dozen such examples during the faked “covid19 fraud”. Yet more is required & we again see examples all around. I’m not sure that at present there are any policies which do not fit this model of plausible v real. The push towards EV cars in place of ICE cars is a clear example. It’s merely asserted that city air quality is unacceptably poor. Therefore anything which reduces it is arguably for “the common good”. In practice, what is being targeted is the little people’s ownership of liquid fuelled vehicles. They don’t care if you drive an EV or not. But if you own & drive an expensive ICE vehicle, they want you out of it.

This piece is as normie friendly as it’s possible to be, while also leading the reader from the abstract and into the pragmatism of the modern day.

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Dec 5Edited

This is a compilation that highly resembles similar compilations previously prepared by Lark in Texas in US and by Koen Jacobs in

the Philipines/the Netherlands, and like those others this one here is rife with ideological definitions and eschatological fallacies, but none of them contains a cogent, legal, feasible plan by which to

a p p l y f o r c e

to those promoting/promulgating/enforcing Talmudic Communitarian Law. Lacking any such plan, what all of these compilers are quite effectively doing is providing free promotions for the Talmudic communitarianism they claim to oppose, just as every other “Anti Communitarian” does when it comes to her/his fake/rudderless/wildly counterproductive “pushback”.

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Are you aware of any cogent, productive plans?

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Rob also think that the counterweight to communitarianism is Christianity and therefore national governments that are derived from said roots. Judeo Christian foundations provide the requirements of individual responsibility, corporate responsibility, law and justice, as well as the ideas of national and planetary stewardship. Communism is basically a rippoff of Christianity and then turned 180 degrees on its head which means it is Satanic in foundation. Many of bolsheviks were open satanists (Richard Wurmbrand: Marx and Satan).

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Dec 5Edited

Talmudic Communitarian Law is as absolutely antithetical to US Rule of Law by due process as Judaism is to Christianity, so your emotionally charged allusions to Satan and bolshevism are pure misdirection away from the Judaic hegemony that certainly ought to be the matter at hand. Instead of condemning it, you are promoting it, a fact which you cannot honestly dispute.

Communitarianism is the entire system of LAW in the EU, the basis for UN Mother Earth Rights, the basis for all global Agenda 21 regulations and legislative changes, and it includes CORPORATE CAPITALISM, Marxism, British Mercantilism, Global Free Trade (a Libertarian/Imperialist ideal), CHRISTIANITY, Jewish and Christian Zionism, Islam, and many other major,minor, obscure, secret, and ancient religions/philosophies.


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Excellent stuff. Well written, researched and argued. Thanks. My only quibble would be your suggested solution of somehow reforming the state. For me, the state is irredeemable but thanks for a great informative piece.

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I'm leaning survivalist anarchist with a good net of people to get by with. I myself got a little deflated by the actionable suggestions as it's outside my wheelhouse but really appreciate the ideas. Builds on much of your fabulous work Iian. Hi from Oz.

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What you call communitarianism I call totalitarianism.

There is little point in being angry. That wastes decent calories that we need to mount our counter-attack.

You ask what we are doing about the situation and I think you already know because, here you are, also doing the only thing we can do and that is communicate our concerns to others.

So very few people fully appreciate the urgency of our counter-attack because unwittingly, they have become addicted to the weapons used against them.

I refer, of course, to all smart devices and electro-magnetic radiation which runs them. These also happen to be the very devices we are using to make our communications and, frankly, they are monitored to the teeth and acting as a beacon, signalling who is aware of the magnitude of the problem.

We may have to revert to the old communication methods that we used back in the 1970s and 80s.

We established phone trees (landline only), we produced fanzines funded by small advertisements and handed out freely at venues and on the streets. We would communicate our concerns at festivals and events by delivering speeches between bands or in specially built alternative tents and stages. Glastonbury and many other festivals began this way, btw.

We attended local council meetings and objected to policies and plans which nudged society into Agenda 21 and 2030 mindscape. We mounted many pop-up protests in town centres, giving us the opportunity to explain our misgivings to members of the public.

We formed action groups and liaised with groups from other areas. Meeting up in parks was popular for a time.

Unfortunately, it is my experience that the smart phone owners are very reluctant to dispense with their electronic devices because they are now convinced that life cannot be lived without them. Hence they continue to poison us all with the cacophony of electro-magnetic radiation imposed by 3G, 4G and now 5G without realising that this addiction is killing off our wildlife and ourselves.

So whether we call it technocracy, communitarianism or totalitarianism is utterly irrelevant to the average joe on the street. We will seem like luddites to them. We are seen as conspiracy theorists and fearmongers. We will not be heard, much less understood. No more now than we were in the 70s & 80s when we first spotted the future fledgling seeds sprouting.

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Hm. There is no formal Technocracy Law or Tyranny Law but Talmudic Communitarian Law absolutely is the law in the EU (Acquis Communautaire) and in US as Public Laws 97-166, 100-25, 100-279, 101-267, 102-14, 103-14 & Proclamations 4921 and 5317, emphasizing the Vow of the Parushim, the Law of the Moser, the Law of the Mesirah, the Kehilla, Talmudic Law, Noahide Law, Halachic Law, and reflexive law. In this light, the specific terminology could not be more crucial.

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I think you are confusing the ‘government’ with the dark lords.

The government actually belongs to the people, as does the parliament. That’s why we all get to vote; and the politicians allegedly work for us.

What is being imposed presently is being imposed by global terrorists, who have radicalised some of our representatives with their extreme ideology. These traitors simply need to be weeded out. Charged. Gaoled.

But for that to happen lawyers and other public servants have to get off their collective asses and do their actual job. If not, disbarr/fire/imprison the lot. Treacherous misanthropes.

Have you and those others, whose hobby seems to be to blame the ‘government’, whilst letting the actual individual perpetrators get away with it, thought about that?

Oh, and the multinational corporations also. up to their slimy ears, in this. I’m guessing not.



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Talmudic Communitarian law is emphatically antithetical to US Constitutional Rule of Law by due process as well as to the teachings of Christ in the absolute sense. You are promoting the oxymoronic notion of “Judeo-Christian” values and then running misdirection. I AM calling you out.

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Rob, i have read some of the authors you cite that warned of this decades back. The term sounds like a description of a democratic fascism where the ‘democracy’ has been highly manipulated by gov, education elite and corporate onboarders. Honestly not convinced this can stopped. This is global and will take 200 donald trumps in every western nation exposing the roots of globalism.

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Dec 5Edited

Haha Donald Trump is the top servant of the Talmudic Communitarians, answering directly to his Lubavitcher owners who preside over every superimposition of Talmudic Communitarian law upon US Rule of Law by due process here at home, and in the EU by way of Acquis Communautaire.


Public Laws 97-166, 100-25, 100-279, 101-267, 102-14, 103-14 & Proclamations 4921 and 5317, the Vow of the Parushim, the Law of the Moser, the Law of the Mesirah, the Kehilla, Talmudic Law, Noahide Law, Halachic Law, reflexive law, and most importantly, Communitarian Law.

Since you believe Trump opposes the evil forces behind the US’ current ills, I suggest the following articles, with the implicit understanding that you will non-respond/tldr/reject them out of hand:

Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish

Who Towers Behind Trump?

You will say none of this matters and Trump will rescue us, so save it, and go on as before.

It’s so much e a s i e r. :))

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It certainly does seem as though his art of the deal involved his part of the deal being their middle man and show pony

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