Have you ever heard of communitarianism? Have you encountered anyone discussing it, either in the media or in everyday parlance? Could you explain to someone else what communitarianism is? If your answer to these questions is no, I encourage you to read the following information.
I will present evidence that we are now living under a global Communitarian Governance System that infiltrates every aspect of our lives. What began as a bureaucratic framework has gradually evolved into a technocratic regime, intentionally designed to be obscure and difficult for the public to understand, ensuring it is not openly rejected. The key point is that communitarianism is not something you vote for; instead, you're distracted into accepting it without realising.
A Brief History of Communitarianism
The term itself dates back to 1841, when it was attributed to John Goodwyn Barmby, a leader of the British Chartist movement. He used it to refer to utopian socialists and others who experimented with unconventional communal lifestyles. The term then largely disappeared for 140 years, only to be redefined in the 1980s and '90s in explicit opposition to the theoretical liberalism of thinkers such as John Rawls. According to communitarians, liberalism is based on an unrealistically atomistic and abstract conception of the individual, placing too much emphasis on individual values such as freedom and autonomy. Key figures in this movement, such as Amitai Etzioni, Michael Sandel, and Charles Taylor, were all significantly influenced by the incremental and subversive ideas of Fabian Socialism.
While some of these early proponents of communitarianism may have had benevolent intentions, it was Etzioni who recognised the potential for communitarian governance systems, along with communitarian law, to undermine democracy, which he and other globalists perceived as an obstacle to achieving the agendas of the UN and the internationalist elite.
Core Tenets of Communitarianism
According to Etzioni, communitarianism is centred on a communal definition of the good, emphasising the role of community in social and political life and institutions.
It is a political philosophy that highlights the importance of community in the functioning of political life.
It prioritises the rights of the community over the rights of the individual.
In this framework, rights are accompanied by responsibilities (human rights are not considered inalienable).
It holds that a person's social identity and personality are largely shaped by community relationships, with less emphasis placed on individualism.
Ideological communitarianism is characterised as a radical centrist ideology that often features socially conservative and economically interventionist policies.
Critics argue that it leads to moral relativism.
It is undemocratic authoritarianism, camouflaged as democracy.
It subversively presents its self as bottom-up masquerading as ‘community’ when in reality it is top-down because communities are hijacked and spoken for.
It is diametrically opposed to libertarianism (classic liberalism).
Communitarian legislation erodes the rights of the individual.
Ultimately, ‘community’ means them, not you!
The word communitarianism itself is rarely used for the following reasons. Politicians do not like its verbal proximity to communism and it also doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue in speeches. However, the main reason relates directly to the essence of what communitarianism represents. The elite class of internationalists who exploit this system prefer it to remain subversive, often giving it friendlier names to distract from and conceal its technocratic and collectivist nature.
You may have encountered terms like “Stakeholder Capitalism” and “The Third Way” in recent years, which serve as neuro-linguistic programming solutions for this deception. The framework is deliberately designed to infiltrate and undermine both the political right and left, so understanding communitarianism requires broad and lateral thinking.
While the historically tainted political philosophies of fascism and communism are rooted in nationalism, communitarianism is inherently globalist. Internationalists see communitarianism as a means to circumvent national democracies and implement their policies. It merges corporatism and communism, necessitating a partnership between the state and favoured corporations and their investors, who ultimately benefit from this arrangement. A vast number of NGOs and think tanks operate in lockstep worldwide, to drive policies at local and regional levels. This represents top-down authoritarianism, where technocracy serves as the control mechanism, and collectivism is imposed on the masses under the guise of community or the ‘common good’.
Many have attempted to expose the true agenda behind communitarianism; however, their efforts have often been ignored or suppressed by both mainstream and alternative media. I first became aware of the concept of communitarianism through Mark Windows' shows, where it was revealed as the system being imposed upon us. This discovery led me to other key researchers in the US, particularly Nikki Rapana and her informative book The Anti-Communitarian Manifesto. Additionally, it was a frequent topic in talks of Alan Watt in Cutting Through the Matrix.
Technocracy is the control mechanism; Communitarianism is the ideology
Recognition needs to go to Patrick M. Wood, along with Anthony C. Sutton, who have been at the forefront exposing the Technocracy movement since the 1980s. David A Hughes also completed a detailed and creatable academic analysis in his book "Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. Iain Davis has also identified what he calls ‘The Global Public Private Partnership’ which encompasses both Communitarianism and Technocracy.
While Technocracy is undeniably significant, I believe that Communitarianism should be the central focus of the conversation. Technocracy serves as the control mechanism, whereas Communitarianism represents the underlying ideology. Communitarianism incorporates Technocracy through Communitarian Law, which underpins the system, and Communitarian Governance structures, such as ‘Citizen Assemblies’, which are employed to steer public opinion. This effectively manufactures consent.
Since the 1990s, governments have gradually introduced legislation that places the burden of proof on the individual rather than the prosecutor. The principle that ‘rights come with responsibilities’ is a core tenet of Communitarianism. Here is one example from the very top. The UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 29.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations
Point 3, is the ultimate get out clause, basically you only have your human rights if you align with wants of the UN. So, your rights come with responsibilities, of which ‘they’ decide.
Here are more examples where the UN communitarian model cascaded down thorough the EU to national level with the UK Human Rights Act 1998, introduced by Blair’s government:
Article 8 - Right to Respect for Private and Family Life - Communitarian aspect: While this article protects individuals' right to privacy, family life, and home, it also stipulates that this right can be limited in the interest of the community. Limitations are allowed if they are necessary in a democratic society, for:
· National security
· Public safety
· The economic well-being of the country
· The prevention of crime or disorder
· The protection of health or morals
· The protection of the rights and freedoms of others
This balancing act between private rights and the well-being of the broader community reflects a communitarian philosophy that stresses mutual responsibilities and the need to consider the ‘collective good’.
Article 9 - Freedom of Thought, Conscience, and Religion - Communitarian aspect: While this article guarantees the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, it also allows for limitations on the manifestation of religion or beliefs if necessary for:
· Public safety
· The protection of public order, health, or morals
· The protection of the rights and freedoms of others
Article 10 - Freedom of Expression - Communitarian aspect: This article protects the right to freedom of expression but permits limitations for reasons such as:
· National security
· Public safety
· Prevention of disorder or crime
· Protection of health or morals
· Protection of the reputation or rights of others
· Preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence
Article 11 - Freedom of Assembly and Association - Communitarian aspect: This article protects the right to peaceful assembly and association but allows for restrictions in the interest of:
· National security
· Public safety
· The prevention of disorder or crime
· The protection of health or morals
· The protection of the rights and freedoms of others
Again, this shows a communitarian approach where individual rights to assemble and associate must be weighed against the community’s need for safety, order, and the protection of other individuals’ rights.
So, you thought you had rights?..............Angry yet?
Communitarian Steering
In the early 2000s, there was a noticeable increase in Western governments employing psychologists as advisors, applying behavioural science to public policy. In the UK, under David Cameron in 2010, the Behavioural Insights Team, commonly known as ‘The Nudge Unit’, was established. This public body utilised psychological techniques to influence public opinion in line with government policy. Do you think this is ethical? The relatively simple psychological techniques are outlined in the Mindspace Document.
The onset of the exaggerated COVID crisis led to the formation of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which advised the government. Among its participants, there were more psychologists than medical doctors. Notably, Susan Michie, an open communist, infamously responded to a question about how long the public should continue wearing masks by stating, “forever!” In July 2022, Michie was appointed chair of the World Health Organization’s Behavioural Advisory group.
The 1990s and 2000s saw a significant rise in Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and think tanks across Western countries. These organisations form a key part of the communitarian governance structure, receiving substantial funding from governments and philanthropic entities such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and George Soros’ Open Society. One clear example of their influence is the role NGOs have played in implementing Net Zero policies across the Western world, a process expertly exposed by environmentalist whistle-blower Dr. Jacob Nordangård in his book Rockefeller: Controlling the Game. This book contains indisputable documented evidence from actual Rockefeller records.
The UN and Communitarianism
The 1992 Rio Earth Summit was discernibly the starting point of the global communitarian governance system as we know it today (with John Major signing the UK up without so much as a debate in Parliament). However, its roots go back to the founding of the United Nations, which emerged from the League of Nations in 1945. To truly understand the UN's purpose, I’ll let the founder members and current protagonists tell you in their own words:
“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept a New World Order.”
- David Rockefeller speaking at UN Business Conference 1994
“Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”
- David Rockefeller 1973
“Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘Internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world government if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and proud of it.”
- David Rockefeller in 2002 during an interview published in his memoir titled Memoirs
“Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government”
- Henry Kissinger 1994
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”
- Henry Kissinger 1974
“The implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a World Organization. Political unification in some sort of World Government will be required.”
- Julian Huxley in UNESCO It’s Purpose and Philosophy 1945
“At the moment, it is probable that the effect of civilisation is dysgenic instead of eugenic: and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability, and disease-proneness, which already exist in the human species, will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus, even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed to the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”
- Julian Huxley in UNESCO It’s Purpose and Philosophy 1945
“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends to compensatingly increase and the dictator... will do well to encourage that freedom in conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, movies, and radio. It will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate.”
- Julian Huxley 1958
“There is an optimum range of human population density, and a total population in the world.”
- Julian Huxley in UNESCO It’s Purpose and Philosophy 1945
"Some of you will think I'm talking about Communism. Well, what I'm talking is much bigger than communism……. We plan to enter the 21st Century with a running start…..Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now..."
- Dr Richard Day, Rockefeller insider, in a presentation to The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969
“People will have to get used to the idea of change, so used to change, that they'll be expecting change. Nothing will be permanent..... a society .....where people seemed to have no roots or moorings, but would be passively willing to accept change simply because it was all they had ever known.”
- Dr Richard Day, Rockefeller insider, in a presentation to The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969
“Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it,"
- Dr Richard Day, Rockefeller insider, in a presentation to The Pittsburgh Paediatric Society in March 1969
“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?... In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?”
– Maurice Strong during a speech at the UN Earth Summit in 1992
“After all, sustainability means running the global environment - Earth Inc. - like a corporation: with depreciation, amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words, keeping the asset whole, rather than undermining your natural capital.”
- Maurice Strong during a speech at the UN Earth Summit in 1992
“Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally.”
- Maurice Strong during a speech at the 1994 UN Conference on Population and Development in Cairo
"I suggest therefore that this be sold not through a democratic process - that would take too long and devour far too much of the funds - to educate the cannon fodder, unfortunately, that populates the earth. We have to take almost an elitist program, [so] that we can see beyond our swollen bellies, and look to the future in time frames and in results which are not easily understood, or which can be, with intellectual honesty, be reduced down to some kind of simplistic definition."
- David Lang, International Banker. The comments were recorded at a meeting between Edmund de Rothschild, David Rockefeller and Rothschild associate banker Michael Sweatman and Maurice Strong in 1992
“In cash we don’t know who is using $100 bill today…The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of central bank liability and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”
- Augustin Carstens, head of The Bank of International Settlements, 2020
“Maybe the best solution to climate change would be a nuclear winter for a few years to cool down the planet very quickly, and in the longer term it would be in our best interest than any other solution tried at the moment.”
- Arthur Dahl, retired Deputy Assistant Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2008
“I am deeply convinced that there is no other way to deal with global challenges, than with global responeces.”
- Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, during a speech at the WEF Annual Meeting in 2019
"Sustainable development is not a luxury; it is an imperative for our children’s future. It is essential that we reach a consensus on how to achieve it…..The time for talking is over; we must now act with conviction and purpose. The challenge of sustainable development must be met with concrete measures…..Rio must mark a turning point in our approach to environmental issues, a commitment to a new global partnership to secure the future of our planet."
- John Major, UN Rio Earth Summit 1992
"We need to embrace technology to improve governance and public services. Digital identity is a key part of that transformation."
- Tony Blair 2024
“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that the threat of global warming would fit the bill. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. We believe humanity requires common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realise a one world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or one invented for the purpose.”
- Bertrand Schneider, Secretary-General of the Club of Rome & Alexander King, both prominent influencers at the UN in their book; The First Global Revolution, 1991
“Humans are now hackable animals. The whole idea that humans have this ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ and nobody knows what is happening inside them, and they will have free will, that’s over.”
- Yuval Noah Harari in 2018 during a discussion at the World Economic Forum (Strategic partner to the UN)
“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”
- Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum (Strategic Partner to the UN) 2020
“You’ll own nothing and be happy.”
- Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum (Strategic Partner to the UN) 2020
Whistle-blower George Hunt, a Colorado businessman, released this video after attending the pre-curser event to The Rio Earth Summit which was The UNCED Wilderness Congress in Denver. He said, “If people find out what these people are up to it will light the fires of indignation throughout the whole country.”
See video here: UN UNCED Earth Summit 1992 by George Hunt - YouTube
You will have noticed 3 reoccurring themes; centralised global control of all the worlds resources, depopulation, and eugenics (or as it is now known; transhumanism).
Are you getting it yet?............Angry yet?
‘The Third Way’, New Labour, Conservatives, ‘Big Society’; it’s all Communitarianism
The architects of New Labour copied Bill Clinton’s Democrats policy approach which had been politically successful for them. This was Etzioni’s communitarianism re-branded as ‘The Third Way’. In fact, many social democratic parties across the western world adopted this approach.
In 2006, Tony Blair launched the “respect agenda”, then came David Cameron’s “Big Society” followed by Boris Johnson’s “Levelling Up Program” and Kier Starmer will bring in Labour’s citizens assemblies. Classic communitarian governance, red or blue it doesn’t matter, you’re thinking must rise above the Punch and Judy show distractions.
One of the most sinister and often overlooked pieces of communitarian government legislation was the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006, passed under the Blair government. This act significantly expanded the use of Statutory Instruments to make legislative changes without requiring full parliamentary debate, particularly in areas such as administrative and regulatory reforms. It enabled secondary legislation to be introduced after a bill had already been passed. A classic example of communitarian governance, where the stated objectives mask the true intentions.
While there may be slight policy variations, all the major national policy decisions can ultimately be traced back to the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Once you get past the benign language, which sounds reasonable on cursory reading, and dig deeper into the policies behind these goals you will see the stated goals are different to the real goals. Yes, they are trying to deceive you!
1. No Poverty - The introduction of state dependency through Universal Basic Income (Currently being pushed by the Fabian Society)
2. Zero Hunger - Centralisation of food production. Small farmers being squeezed out of business and taken over by corporate farms. (Apply for a lump sum payment to leave or retire from farming – uk.gov)
3. Good Health and Well-being - Global centralisation of health policies. See the WHO Pandemic Treaty and current Northern Ireland health bill.
4. Quality Education - Please read my other article; “Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!”
5. Gender Equality - Legislation and propaganda promoting alternative lifestyles ahead of the traditional family unit. (have you watched the BBC recently?)
6. Clean Water and Sanitation - Increase addition of harmful chlorine and fluoride to our drinking water. (Plans to expand water fluoridation in north east – uk.gov)
7. Affordable and Clean Energy - Closing fossil fuel power stations and replacing with solar and wind power. Actually, not as efficient and more expensive. (see your most recent energy bill)
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth - According to them future economic growth will be driven by increased use of A.I. This is an oxymoron because it will lead to less jobs.
9. Industrial Innovation and Infrastructure - The focus here is on digital infrastructure, primarily introducing Digital I.Ds. (see statutory instruments for the Online Safety Act 2023 in UK)
10. Reduce Inequalities - Diversity targets which promote people with protected characteristics ahead of ability.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities - ULEZ in cities around the world and soon coming to a town near you. 20mph zones and pedestrianisation the UK.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production - ESG policies which favour the big corporations over small businesses. (UK Sustainability Reporting Standards)
13. Climate Action - Net Zero policies, and policies monetising carbon. (UK Emissions Trading Scheme markets)
14. Life Below Water - Global centralised control of all fishing
15. Life on Land - Take huge areas of productive farm land out of production through re-wilding policies. (Re-wilding policy gov.uk)
16. Peace Justice and Strong Institutions - Increase the reach of The International Court of Justice which is reinforced by the Charter of the UN, essentially communitarian law, where rights come with responsibilities.
17. Partnerships for the Goals - This is the fascistic part for those 0.0000001% at the top of this communitarian system. Corporations and the UN working in ‘lockstep’. (World Economic Forum and UN Sign Strategic Partnership Framework)
A foundation for many of these goals is to introduce global digital I.Ds for all citizens. (Our Common Agenda - Policy Brief 5 - A Global Digital: Compact — an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All)
‘Our Common Agenda’. Does ‘our’ include you? Did they ever ask you?...........Angry yet?
The £100k per year enablers
It’s all too easy to get distracted by those often referred to as ‘They’. This has been extensively documented by many, including John Coleman, who identified the Committee of 300, and various researchers of the Illuminati who have pointed to the 13 Ancient Bloodline Families and The Black Nobility. Others focus on central bankers, while even mainstream academics, such as Peter Phillips, identify elite players in his book Giants. Furthermore, Corbynista Matt Kennard names names in his book Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy. While these insights may be interesting, have they achieved any tangible results? Have they instigated any meaningful change? The answer is no.
This is why I believe the most effective way to break the chain is by targeting what I call the ‘£100k-per-year enablers’. These individuals are responsible for implementing these policies at the local level. Remember: global to local. If we can mobilise a significant number of this group to reject the communitarian system, it will be game over for the ruling elites, whoever they are!
The target group includes Council Chief Executives, Elected Councillors, NHS Trust Board Members, GPs, Police Chiefs, Environment Agency Regional Managers, School Trust CEOs, Headteachers, and Chairs of Governors, among others.
Generally, these individuals fall into two categories:
The ‘Long Marchers’: Inspired by Antonio Gramsci and Rudi Dutschke in the late 1960s, they sought radical social change in Western societies and initiated a gradual infiltration of key institutions with Marxist advocates or at least sympathisers. Gramsci termed this the ‘war of position’. These ‘Long Marchers’ have been seduced by Communitarian Governance because it enables them to centralise control. They go along with the narrative because it aligns with their ideology, failing to realise they are what Lenin would have called ‘useful idiots’. We should not hesitate to call them out, ridicule them, and expose them for what they are. Ironically, if these individuals are scrutinised, you will often find they cannot live up to their own standards - just look at the current Labour government and the corruption surrounding gifts.
The ‘Narcissist Management Class’: This group is primarily motivated by self-interest and can potentially be more easily turned against the system. If we can make them aware of the future impact on their lifestyle - which will ultimately mean they cannot afford a new Range Rover every three years or their yearly holiday in Tuscany - they might start to recognise the system for what it truly is. From experience, I know it is challenging to overcome their arrogance and encourage them to think differently, but we must persist in presenting them with evidence and facts. Diligence and a strict adherence to documented factual information are essential here.
Both groups 1 and 2 are products of the communitarian system, which typically promotes compliant incompetence. The system favours this incompetence because it serves as a shield to obscure real agendas. I bet you’ve observed this in your workplace?
Becoming an Anti-Communitarian
If the information above is new to you and you have verified its validity, then I leave you with these questions: Are you angry? You should be! So, what are you going to do about it?
To actively oppose communitarianism, you need to engage in local politics. Consider becoming an independent local councillor, joining your local school governing committee, or forming small groups to campaign against local communitarian impositions.
It’s crucial to be cognisant that any movement opposing Agenda 2030 policies is likely to be infiltrated by disruptors. Larger movements may even begin receiving funding from sources that will eventually steer them towards aligning with, rather than opposing, these policies - often leading to their own discredit. Counter-intelligence is far more widespread than many realise, particularly when it comes to media spokespeople. Check out figures such as Paul Mason, Rory Stewart, and Tobias Ellwood who are just a few high-profile examples. This strategy is straight out of the Marxist playbook: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” - Lenin.
Simple things you can do:
· Publicly acknowledge that you reject Agenda 2030 and the United Nations
· When you see a communitarian policy, publicly call it out for what it is
· Work in small groups or independently to challenge your council
· Identify the real goals of policies, not their stated goals (It’s never about what they say it’s about.)
· Conduct your own surveys
· Be focused on only one or two local issues at a time
· Avoid distractions
· Target The 100k per year enablers
· Identify infiltration and publicly call it out
· Ridicule communitarians whenever possible
· Use cash
· Send this Substack to all the ‘100k per year enablers’ you know
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this information.
For more information about communitarianism please listen to this interview between Mark Windows and Richard Willett.
This is very well written. The introduction through to reduction to practice includes many quotes from people most of us are well aware of. They’re as sneaky and underhand as we’d heard they were.
An absolutely key distinction is that between the ostensible reason for a policy & the real reason. We’ve seen a dozen such examples during the faked “covid19 fraud”. Yet more is required & we again see examples all around. I’m not sure that at present there are any policies which do not fit this model of plausible v real. The push towards EV cars in place of ICE cars is a clear example. It’s merely asserted that city air quality is unacceptably poor. Therefore anything which reduces it is arguably for “the common good”. In practice, what is being targeted is the little people’s ownership of liquid fuelled vehicles. They don’t care if you drive an EV or not. But if you own & drive an expensive ICE vehicle, they want you out of it.
This piece is as normie friendly as it’s possible to be, while also leading the reader from the abstract and into the pragmatism of the modern day.
Rob also think that the counterweight to communitarianism is Christianity and therefore national governments that are derived from said roots. Judeo Christian foundations provide the requirements of individual responsibility, corporate responsibility, law and justice, as well as the ideas of national and planetary stewardship. Communism is basically a rippoff of Christianity and then turned 180 degrees on its head which means it is Satanic in foundation. Many of bolsheviks were open satanists (Richard Wurmbrand: Marx and Satan).